The implementation of financial support measures for contractors is under the personal control of the Minister

The urgent measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the restrictions imposed due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection give self-regulatory organizations the right to provide loans to their members from the compensation fund of contractual obligations. The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation creates conditions for those in need to receive financial assistance.
Resolution No. 938 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27 June 2020 "On Approving Regulations on Certain Conditions for Granting Loans to Members of Self-Regulating Organizations and the Procedure for Exercising Control over the Use of Means Granted under Such Loans" envisages a real mechanism for providing assistance by self-regulating organizations to all their members who find themselves in a difficult economic situation.

To implement the rights granted to self-regulating organizations, it is necessary to prepare amendments to internal documents and hold general meetings for their approval. The documents will come into force after entering information about them into the state register of self-regulating organizations.

"Taking into account the fact that the issue of timely provision of financial support in the current conditions is critical for a number of contracting organizations and requires an urgent decision, these procedures should be passed in a short time. The Ministry is creating conditions that allow to speed up the process of preparation of necessary documents," said the Minister Vladimir Yakushev.

In order to shorten the time for preparation of documents, the Ministry has created an approximate section of the Regulations on the Compensation Fund of Contractual Obligations of a Self-Regulating Organization agreed with Rostekhnadzor "Conditions for granting loans to members of a self-regulating organization and the procedure for monitoring the use of funds provided under such loans".

On Thursday, July 16, Rostekhnadzor introduced information on the Regulations on the Compensation Fund for Contractual Obligations of Four Self-Regulating Organizations.

Besides, the Ministry carried out collection and analysis of frequently asked in references of the self-adjustable organizations questions on realization of this Decision and prepared answers to them which are placed on an official site in section "Self-adjustment in building sphere. Answers to frequently asked questions".
